Our Provider

Lisa Galliher
Meet Lisa Galliher
Lisa is a 3rd generation native Phoenician. She began her career in the hearing aid industry in 2004 where she had the unique opportunity of apprenticing with four mentors; each with their own unique talents and strengths. This gave her a broad base of knowledge and experience. After completing the International Hearing Society course as well as working daily in the field, Lisa passed her 8-hour licensing exam on the first try. After two years in the field, she became board certified. Since that time she has mentored 9 apprentices at different times in her career each one passing with flying colors! Lisa has been instrumental in growing hearing centers all around the country. She is most at home working directly with patients and getting to help each one improve their life. Henry Smith owner/founder of America Hears, when faced with a challenging task once said,” Have Lisa do it. She is bright, quick and not afraid of anything!” Lisa says, “I love to be able to improve the quality of my patients’ lives. Where else can I influence every waking moment of every day of a life? Hearing has a profound effect on every relationship, including our own self esteem. We have an obligation as providers to help those who come to us with a loss. We need to educate them as to their options and show how much better their lives can be with all the beautiful sounds of life.” Lisa’s favorite sound–The giggles of her little grand kids.